A survey interface with loads of functionality!

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Automate customer opinnions

Our survey services is made API first, which means, that everything you can do in the web service, your can create in your own system with the help of our powerfull API!


Immense reporting

Create and send surveys on the fly via our responsive angularbased web services. Create a flow of advanced question logic for immensive customer surveys, or create simple polls.

Survey question example

Available question types

Navigate with the arrows ❮ ❯ to explore thedifferent question types

Radiobutton icon

Radio Button

Using radio buttons allows the respondent to only pick one answer from a predetermined list of responses.

Checkbox icon


Using check boxes allows the respondent to pick multiple choices from a predetermined list of responses.

Short answer icon

Text answers

Short text questions allows the respondent to enter a short free text answer. In this case using a single textbox.

Long answer icon

Essay answers

Long text questions allows the respondent to enter a longer free text answer. In this case using a single textarea.

Dropdown icon


Dropdown questions allows the respondent to choose one answer choice from a list of choices presented in a dropdown menu.

Multiple drowdown icon

Multiple Dropdown

Multiple dropdown questions allows the respondent to choose from several lists of choices presented in multiple dropdown menus. These alternatives can be set to be distinct.

Slider icon

Value Slider

Value slider questions allows the respondent to select a numeric value by dragging a slider along a value track.

Multiple value icon

Multiple Value Slider

Multiple value questions allows the respondent to select multiple numeric value by dragging a slider along a value track.

File upload icon

File upload

File upload questions allows the respondent to upload a file to answer a question.

Image question icon

Image Value Selection

Image selection questions allows the respondent to choose between alternatives represented by images instead of text or number value alternatives.

NKI/NMI icon


NKI questions allows the respondent to select a numeric value by dragging a slider along a value track, with values according to the NKI standard.

NKI/NMI icon


NMI questions allows the respondent to select a numeric value by dragging a slider along a value track, with values according to the NMI standard.

Geo location icon

Geolocation Coordinates values

Geolocation questions allows the respondent to put a marker on a map, which generates a set of coordinates.

Emoji icon

Emoji Value

Emoji value questions allows the respondent to answer a numeric value question, represented by 3 or 5 emoticons.

Create question logic

Create advanced question logic to bring your surveys to the next level, alowing you to gather deep data with conditional questions.

Conditional question flow

Multi linguistic surveys

Get higher response rate by offering your surveys in multiple languages, with our translations editor it will be easy to be global!

Multi linguistic surveys