Interested in learning more about surveys?

Check out these articles below!

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Listen to your employees and develop the company as a team

Listen to your employees and develop the company as a team

Employees are the company's most important resource. It is a common phrase, which many have pronounced and which many more can sign. But what exactly is a resource in this context?

By resource is meant one or more employees' individual contribution of experience, knowledge and competence, which in its entirety moves the company forward and at

Listen to your customer and create in-demand development

Listen to your customer and create in-demand development

Development of products, employees, communications, and delivery are crucial to create customer value. And who knows best what customer value is if not your customers and users?

When was the last time you tagged along on a user's journey using your service? When did you take the time to observe what the customer does with your product or how s

Do you know which customers are your ambassadors?

Do you know which customers are your ambassadors?

##With an NPS survey, you acquire the important knowledge Loyal customers. Who buys your products and services over and over again is extremely valuable to your business. Of course, because they continuously contribute to your sales and remain a customer even though you most likely have competitors who attract with one campaign after another.
